Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia

YOU, being a BOLD fundraiser

In Uncategorized on January 21, 2014 at 2:49 pm


Recently I started studying for my Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) exam. The first book I chose to read from the reading list was from Tom Ahern, a fundraising consultant and speaker that I admire. Immediately the following passage stood out to me:

“Being bold is better than being bland. Bland doesn’t get attention.”

I thought, what a great way to start 2014.

Each year the fund development department at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia starts January by picking what we want to focus on/improve on over the next 12 months (not sure why we go calendar year not fiscal). YOU can read about our past declarations here.

This year I am challenging us (even the new co-op student) to be BOLD. I am emphasizing the bold wherever I can. I even created the above sheets for them when I presented it. I am happy to say that I have seen it up on their bulletin boards ever since, a daily reminder of what we as a team aspire to.

So how do I think we and YOU can be Bold in 2014?

– Not settling. Too often I have heard people say, “It’s the same thank you letter as last year, just changed the date.” No. If nothing has changed in a year, YOU need to focus on more than just that letter.

– Respect that your charity has a brand and that it needs to be respected. YOU do great work in the community, be proud to tell others about how your community is being positively affected – it’s not bragging, I promise!

– Try new things. Some may say “think outside the box” and others may say “there is no box!” Which ever your philosophical leanings, try new things in 2014. Something I saw that I liked, was from Children’s Wish, who asked workplaces to hold an office “Ugly Christmas Sweater Party” to raise funds. I am sure when a fundraiser first brought it up, co-workers may not have been on board right away, but look at what they have been able to achieve with that one new thing.

Boldness. It’s what we’re doing in 2014. What about YOU?

  1. […] this year I challenged our Department of Philanthropy to BE BOLD. Why would the annual report be status quo […]

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